Each class in Scoil Maelruain Junior is timetabled for 60 minutes of Physical Activity a week.
We have invested in lots of new equipment in 2022 thanks to the Parents Association generous donations e.g. basketballs, basketball hoops, beanbags and Bluetooth speakers. Each class also has the use of a box of equipment for yard or outdoor PE sessions.
Run Around Ireland Challenge 2022
Our school committed to the 4 week Run Around Ireland Challenge. Our challenge took place during November and December. This running challenge helps the children learn about Ireland famous landmarks and bringing the learning outdoors.
How we prepared for challenge?
Each class were given a Run Around Ireland sheet. The pupils had to work out the distance between the school and the different landmarks using google maps. The pupils committed to running every day for 4 weeks. The pupils ran laps each day around the school(1 lap =1 km). When pupils reached the required landmark distance, they marked it on their record chart.

Active Breaks Everyday
We ensure the children in our school have active breaks everyday. Some of the active breaks utilised by our classes include
– dance challenges
– yoga
– running challenges
– Gonoodle challenges
Active Homework
The children in Scoil Maelruain Junior are assigned active homework as part of their homework each week.
During Active week, active homework replaces all homework. The children colour in the activities they have completed each day.
The children enjoy participating and completing their active homework, and it helps to promote health and well- being among the students.